CERM Risk Insights #16


Well, the ISO 9001 (2015) Committee Draft came out this week.  Wow.  As we’ve been predicting, risk is all over the standard.  Get hold of a copy if you can.  it may be one of the best investments you’ll make as a quality professional.  Bottom Line:  Risk management is going to transform the quality profession.  Think of 1.1 million QMS/EMS companies worldwide that need your risk consulting and CERM.    
We have another set of great risk articles for you.  Tell us what you think?  Best,
Greg Hutchins PE CERM Quality + Engineering | CERM Academy | 800.COMPETE | 503.233.1012
Risk/Opportunity Balance – Linda Westfall.  Good risk management is the balance between risk (down side) and opportunity (upside).  Understanding this balance is fundamental to all risk-based, problem solving and decision making. To learn more risk tools, visit, Tips&Tools@Risk.
Risk and Mitigation of Alarm Fatigue – Jim Lamprecht.  Alarm fatigue is what we live with from morning to night at home and at work.  Read how a quality expert proposes using control charts to manage alarm fatigue.  And, read why legal risk sometimes may out weigh patient safety.
Five Stages of Engagement – John Blakinger & Greg Ranstrom.  Each of us experiences a progression of reactions or stages when we’re confronted with a risk or a problem.  Learn about the five stages of engagement, which we’ll cover in greater detail through the next issues.  To read more on this, visit CommunityDecisions@Risk.
When Risks Attack – Mark Moore.  Risk is today’s ‘new normal.’  You can either manage risk or fall victim to it.  Your choice.  Learn why you should always be prepared. 
Bow Tie Analytical Tool – Rich Mooney.  Most of us have never heard of the Bow Tie method.  If we have, we think it’s a quality tool.  Stop.  it’s also a critical risk tool.  Learn what it is and how to use it.
Building an Inventory to Manage Project Risk – Howard Wiener.  Learn how to manage ‘macro’ and ‘micro’ project  uncertainties by developing an enterprise risk inventory.  
The End Point is the Center – John Millican.  Most managers invest in technology solutions.  But often, the answer may lie with people.  Learn  how one senior manager focused on people to solve a technical problem.  Read more of John’s thinking at: CISO@Risk.
Big Data & Privacy – Carolyn Turbyfill.  Our firm does cyber security.  Our challenge is how to communicate its critical importance in a way so we don’t sound like morticians.  This is our first attempt.  Tell us what you think?  Read more of Carolyn’s thinking at Cyber@Risk.

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