CERM Risk Insights #19

Dear Readers:

We are getting weekly requests on operational and supply risk.  Several things are causing this. Global cyber security standards are becoming risk and even enterprise risk based.  This impacts all critical infrastructure.  Last week, we offered a seminar: #1 Global Threat: Cyber Security
The second driver is most global standards regardless the sector are becoming risk based: cyber, food, pharma, medical devices, aircraft, airports, etc.
So in this issue, we continue with our risk emphasis.  Tell us what you think.  Best,
Greg Hutchins | CERM Academy | Quality +  Engineering | 800.COMPETE | 503.233.1012
Just Because They’re Really Out to Get You, Doesn’t Mean You Aren’t Paranoid by Dr. Carolyn Turbyfill.  NSA is reading your emails.  If not NSA, it’s your local enforcement agency.  Not paranoid … Yet?  Read more Carolyn at: Cyber@Risk.
#1 Secret to Managing Project Risk by Daniel Everhart.  We know the secret.  But, we forget to do it.  Read more at Tips&Tools@Risk.
Western & Japanese Decision Making by Adina Suciu. Management is all about smart decision making.  We all have done some form of Japanese kaizen or Western six sigma.  Learn about the differences.  Read more by  Adina  at: Process@Risk.
Quality Executives Should Be Able to Answer These Questions by Greg Hutchins.  Four simple questions.  Can you answer them?  
Future of Certification by Umberto Tunesi.  Everything seems to be certified these days.  Is it really meaningful?  Read more from Umberto at Quality@Risk.
Group Think and Unidentified Risk by Mark Moore.  We are believe in project collaboration. But, group think and other problems can occur.  Find out what you can do to eliminate them.  Read more at Projects@Risk.
Quality and Risk in the Cockpit by J. Armando Jeronymo.  We believe the future of quality is risk. Well, get a first hand story of this if you have any doubts.  Must read!
Software is Risky Business by Linda Westfall.  Read about the risk of not managing software risk.  This is really true about any project.  Read more at Tips&Tools@Risk.

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