CERM Risk Insights #25

Hello Readers:

Today’s competitive metric is no longer simply generating revenue.  It has become sustainability of the triple bottom line: environmental, social, and economic performance.  Read ERM Demystifying Sustainability Risk on how to integrate ERM into a sustainability program that integrates corporate social responsibility and environmental stewardship.
We continue to focus on the new ISO 9001 (2015) standard and how it’s a game changer.  We hope you enjoy this issue.
Greg Hutchins PE CERM | Quality + Engineering | CERM Academy | 800.COMPETE | 503.233.1012

Process Management Requirements in ISO 9001 (2015)  by Lennart Brandt.  Lennart started a Linkedin discussion on “Shall it be a requirement to apply a process approach (ISO 9001 – 2015)?”  He received over 300 responses.  Read what folks think about the process approach.  Read more at Process@Risk.
How to Manage a Successful Enterprise Risk Management Program by Troy Hackett.  Sooner than later you’re going to develop an ERM program.  Read Troy’s secrets for success.  Read more at ISO9000@Risk
History Lessons and the Musty Smell of Regret by Mark Moore.  “Those who can’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it” said George Santayana.  I’ve been there and done that repeatedly.  Learn how to stop this project risk cycle.  Read more at Tools&Tips@Risk   
How to Scientifically Predict the Future (Well, At Least For Your Processes by Dr. Giovanni Siepe.  You can predict the behavior of processes through statistical tools.  Find out how.  Read more at Process@Risk.
Staying the USPS Course – A Risk Challenge by James Kline.  “This too shall pass.”  “Why change when things are working.”  Both of these prevalent thoughts can lead to surprises in disruptive markets.  Find out what and why in this great piece.
Cyber Risk Frameworks  by Ed Perkins.  Cyber risk are reportable.  They continue to grow in importance.  There seems to be no ending to cyber risk.  Read the NIST cyber framework that may become the de facto cyber risk framework for most organizations.  
Consequences of Misapplying a Quality Standard by T. Dan Nelson.  Does ISO 9001 require a process approach?  Since 2000, process has been a key element of ISO 9001.  Only one problem.  Seems that companies don’t always follow the approach.  Read more at ISO9000@Risk.
Quality Auditors of Fortune by Umberto Tunesi.  I got an email from a global company.  “Help, our quality audits are not adding value.  Tell us what to do?”  Read Umberto’s thoughts on the challenges and solutions for quality auditors.  Read more at Quality@Risk.

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