CERM Risk Insights #32

Hello Readers: :

Welcome to the new edition of CERM Risk Insights.  in this issue, we look at supplier risk and decision making risk.  Both are increasingly important topics.

We hope you enjoy this edition.  We look forward hearing from you.  Best,

Greg Hutchins PE CERM | Quality + Engineering | CERM Academy | 800.COMPETE | 503.233.1012

People are Dying Producing Your Product by Kelly Eisenhardt.  It used to be you had to worry about the quality of your products.  No longer.  Supplier ethics, safety, governance, and risk management are increasingly critical.  Find to why!  Read more at Suppliers@Risk.

Supplier Risks and Their Mitigation by John Ayers.  It’s becoming more risky as companies outsource their critical processes,  Read what you should do to mitigate these risks.  Read more at Suppliers@Risks.

The Risk of Knowing Too Much by Mark Moore.  There is a risk in knowing too much.  One thing we have to worry about is what we call ‘plausible deniability.’  But, that’s too heavy.  Read a great story about knowing too much in daily life.  Read more at Projects@Risk.

Healthcare.gov: How Software Development Risk Was Not Managed by Gary Gack.  Software risk is not the same thing as a nuclear Iran.  But, pundits are saying that the obamacare website may damage Obama’s legacy forever.  Read more at Software@Risk.

Time: A Risk Source by Umberto Tunesi.  The Rolling Stones sang Time Is On My Side.  Well, it’s true when you’re in our 20’s.  As we all get older, time is not on our side and becomes our greatest individual risk.  Read more at Quality@Risk.

Risk & Quality: Similarities and Differences by T. Dan Nelson.  What’s the difference between quality management and risk management  This author thinks there are more differences than similarities.  Read more at ISO9001@Risk.

Risk Analysis and Modeling of Laws by Capers Jones.  Public laws and policy making have become risky.  Read what Rhode Island should do and what all public jurisdictions should do to manage public policy risks.

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