CERM Risk Insights #35

Hello Readers:
Happy New Year.  Today’s Wall Street Journal article had a piece titled: Era of Continual Risk Assessment.  Sign of the times.
Interesting data point:  Twelve years ago, we wrote Value Added Auditing: a process and risk based auditing book. We wrote and gave dozens of talks on risk based auditing.  Interest eventually dried up.   As ISO integrates risk into its standards, we’re getting daily/weekly requests for the book   Another sign of the times.
We hope you enjoy this issue.  We look forward hearing from you.  Best,
Greg Hutchins PE CERM | Quality + Engineering | CERM Academy | 800.COMPETE | 503.233.1012
Future of Quality: Risk®
Yes, Virginia, A Process Approach Really Is Required by T. Dan Nelson. Dan discusses how to develop a risk based approach in ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 9001:2015.  Read more at ISO9001@Risk.
Using ISO 9001:2015 as Foundation for Sustainable Business by Ian Rosam.  Learn how you can use the new ISO standard as the basis for competitiveness and profit.  Read more at ISO9001@Risk.
Auditing Risk Auditors by Umberto Tunesi.  Soon most or all quality auditors will be risk auditors.  Learn why this is going to be critical.  Read more at Quality@Risk.
10 Strategies for Increasing Your Creativity by Daniel Burrus.  I like Daniel’s ideas.  They make me think.  They make me try different things.  Read more at Life@Risk   
Do We Really Care For and About Risk by Umberto Tunesi.  We all know that ISO is moving to risk.  But, do we really care about risk.  Umberto answers this question.  Read more at Quality@Risk.
Health and Safety Management Systems by Bill Pomfret.  Health and safety risk are critical these days.  Read this comprehensive article on how to design and deploy health and safety management systems.

ISO 9001: 2015 Risk Based Planning by Keith Ridgeway.  A few weeks ago, Keith presented the first part of his risk plan for ISO 9001: 2015.  Next week, we’ll present the third part of his planning process.  Read more at ISO9001@Risk.



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