CERM Risk Insights #43

Hello Readers:
A little more than three years ago, we gave the Future of Quality: Risk talk to our local ASQ section.  Well the deck went viral on Linkedin and on the web.  More than 40K requests.  CERM Risk Insights is now a global community of almost 30K members and doubling each year.  ISO 9001 is now risk based.  And, the list goes on…
We’ve been asked to add narrative to the Future of Quality: Risk power point.  Well, we finally got around to it.  Take a look at Future of Quality and tell us what you think?
We hope you enjoy this issue.  We look forward hearing from you.  Best,
Greg Hutchins PE CERM | Quality + Engineering | CERM Academy | 800.COMPETE | 503.233.1012
Future of Quality: Risk®
Avoiding the CAPA Calamity by Ken Peterson.  You’re probably familiar with the reference ‘ Death by CAPA.’  Read what you can do to manage your critical CAPA program and not get killed.  Read more at Pharma@Risk.
The More the Communications Methods, the Easier It Is to Remain Unreachable by Kiron Bondale.  Have you ever noticed that it is easier to get hold of anyone with all of our communication options.  But, it’s easier for them to ignore you.  So, read what the new protocols are for communicating with team members.  Read more at Projects@Risk.
Do You Know the Cost of a Bad Hire by Elizabeth Lions.  Bad hires can cost you $25,000 to $50,000 at a minimum.  Learn what you can do to find and mentor the right person for the right job.  Read more at Careers@Risk.
Quality Management Seen Through the Manual by T. Dan Nelson.  The quality manual is a good to great control that we’ve all developed and lived by.  Read how the quality manual is integral to quality management.  Read more at Tips&Tools@Risk.
Risk Management in the Acquisitions Cycle by Julius Hein.  Acquisition or purchasing risk doesn’t have to be complicated.  Read this straight forward approach for supplier risk management.  Read more at Suppliers@Risk.
Future of Quality: Risk by Greg Hutchins.  This voice over power point went viral.  See if you agree with it.  Read more at ISO9001@Risk.
ISO Risk Based Planning Methodology by Keith Ridgeway.  Read the entire ISO 9001:2015 risk based planning methodology.  Read more at ISO9001@Risk.

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