CERM Risk Insights #48

Hello Readers:
In this issue, we focus on technical risk including ISO 31000, FMEA, and ISO ‘Risk Based Thinking’.  As well, we have a great piece on negatively at work.
We hope you enjoy this issue.  We look forward hearing from you.  Best
Greg Hutchins PE CERM | Quality + Engineering | CERM Academy | 800.COMPETE | 503.233.1012
Future of Quality: Risk®
Proactive vs. Reactive Risk Management with ISO 31000 by Greg Carroll.  Current risk management is reactive.  What needs to be done to be proactive?  Read more at ISO9001:2015@Risk.
Fighting Risks by Umberto Tunesi.  Business is sometime compared to warfare.  Both are risky.  Read about the 4 strategies that are used in warfare that you can use in business.  Read more at Quality@Risk   
Negative Feedback and Shutting Down at Work by Elizabeth Lions.  If you’re a project manager, engineering manager or quality manager, you live in the world of dealing with change and sometime giving/receiving negative feedback.  Read how it impact people.  Read more at Careers@Risk.

How to Develop a Good FMEA by Carlos E. Z. Krahembuhl.  FMEA and PFMEA are major risk tools in the next revision of 9001:2015.  Find out how to develop them.  Read more at Tips&Tools@Risk.

Recovery: Least Understood of the Continuity Lifecycle Elements by Gary Sikich.  Post crisis recovery is part of all good risk management and continuity planning.  Read what ‘recovery’ really means.  Read more at Tip&Tools@Risk.
What Does ISO ‘Risk Based Thinking’ Really Mean? by T. Dan Nelson.  ISO is promoting ‘Risk Based Thinking.’  Do you really need to be worried and totally change your QMS?  Read more at ISO9001:2015@Risk.
Six Ways to Leverage Risk-Based Monitoring & Clinical CAPA by Cindy Fazzi.  FDA and European regulators are emphasizing the need to mitigate clinical-trial risks.  Find out what you can do to comply.  Read more at Pharma@Risk.

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