CERM Risk Insights #53

Hello Readers:

You are going to see an ERM program at your local higher ed institution.  ERM is taking hold in academe including Johns Hopkins   We are also assisting a number of academic and continuing education programs to develop ERM studies.  Stay tuned!

In this issue, we revisit basic operating assumptions and programs.  For example:  What’s the best way to learn project management?  Does management by objectives work today?  Does continuous improvement still work for organizations?

We hope you enjoy these pieces.  We look forward hearing from you.  Best

Greg Hutchins PE CERM | Quality + Engineering | CERM Academy | 800.COMPETE | 503.233.1012
Future of Quality: Risk®

Five Project Management Skills I Learned While Waiting Tables by Heather Thornton.  Many of us didn’t get PMP’s.  We learned PM on the job like Heather.  See how you can critical life lessons.  Read more at Projects@Risk.

Does Management By Objective Stifle Excellence? by John Dyer.  Deming was definitely not a fan of management by objectives.  The challenge is that we are moving back to it and even work for value.  Much of these are fear based.  Read more at Tips&Tools@Risk.

Time to Rethinking Continuous Improvement by Ron Ashkenas.  Kaizen, six sigma and lean are base on the idea of continuous improvement.  Is this still a value assumption?  Maybe not.  Read more at Tips&Tools@Risk

Selling Your Ideas Up: How to Overcome Objectives and Get Your Ideas Approved by Daniel Burras.  All of us have had to toss on our knee pads to get something from a boss or client.  Read how to up- sell your ideas.  Read more at Life@Risk.

Seven Guiding Principles to Successful ERM by Greg Carroll.  ERM may be the future of quality and supply management.  Read what makes a successful ERM program.  Read more at Life@Risk.

How Secure are Your Audits by Umberto Tunesi.  Risk and risk assessment have always been part of all audits.  Read why?  Read more at Quality@Risk.

RFID and Security in Supply Chain Management by Stuart Rosenberg.  RFID is now indispensable for all supply chains.  Find out why?  Read more at Suppliers@Risk.

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