CERM Risk Insights #37

Dear Readers:
In this issue, we have a number of pieces on ISO 9001:2015.  ISO is now offering broad guidance on transitioning to risk in ISO 9001:2015.  As well, they seem to be offering a new tagline, which may point to the future of quality and other management systems that will incorporate risk.
More than 1.1 million companies are registered to ISO 9001.  Certification Bodies, internal auditors, and management system consultants are going to conduct risk based, process audits.  A number of years ago, we wrote Value Added Auditing to meet our client requirements.  With ISO 9001 moving to risk,  ASQ was kind to pick up the book and offer it through their catalog.    Check it out and tell us what you think?  After conducting many risk audits through the years, we’ve found that they are different than traditional management system audits.
We hope you enjoy this issue.  We look forward hearing from you.  Best,
Greg Hutchins PE CERM | Quality + Engineering | CERM Academy | 800.COMPETE | 503.233.1012
Future of Quality: Risk®
ISO 9001: 2015 New Tag Line: ‘Risk Based Thinking’ by Greg Hutchins.  Our tagline is Risk Based Problem Solving/Risk Based, Decision Making™.  ISO seem to be moving in the same direction with their new tagline.  Read more at ISO9001@Risk.
ISO Shares Its Risk Vision for ISO 9001:2015 by Greg Hutchins.  Read up on ISO 9001:2015 risk to-do’s and your next steps for quality risk.  Read more at ISO9001@Risk.   
Because We’ve Always Done It That Way! by Mark Moore.  We are creatures of habit.  Most work gets done by habit.  Find out what you can do to break out of counter productive habits.  Read more at Projects@Risk.
Risk and Compliance by Gary Sikich.  ISO 9001:2015 is moving from compliance to risk management.  Risk management is more than compliance, however compliance can serve as a basis for the management of risks.  Read more at ISO9001@Risk.
Step 5 – ISO Risk Based Planning by Keith Ridgeway.  This is Keith’s fifth installment of risk based planning.  Read his previous pieces at ISO9001@Risk.
A Curve ‘Back’ to the Process Approach by T. Dan Nelson.  ISO 9001 in the last two iterations has emphasized a process based approach.  ISO 9001:2015 is now requiring process based registration.  Learn what you should do.  Read more at ISO9001@Risk.

Organizational Quality by Umberto Tunesi.  Read how product quality is an output of organizational quality.  Unfortunately, this is a challenge to a number of organizations.  Read more at Quality@Risk   


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