Apple’s AI Soul Sucking Ad

Context:  Apple released an ad called Crush – pimping its latest iPad Pro.  Great idea.  But, one that went horribly wrong.

The set up:  Apple updated its IPad Pro.  It wanted to create a splashy and memorable ad like Steve Job’s 1984 Macintosh computer ad.  Many think this ad is the most creative ad ever.  It’s shows how humans are acting like robots in a dystopian world where conformity reigns and creativity is crushed.  Until you buy the Macintosh and you’re saved.   Get it.

Check out the 1984 ad below:

Today’s Crush ad:  Apple wanted to create the same splashy ad a few weeks ago to launch its new iPad Pro.  The ad starts with the metronome – click click.  Time’s running out.  A huge compactor comes on the screen.  It starts squeezing and destroying analog creator instruments such a  drum set, speakers, piano, paint cans, paintings, books, etc.  You get the idea.  All these are analog instruments for creative work.

The message is death to the analog native.  Life to the digital native using the iPad Pro.

The result is the creative’s worst nightmare.  End of creative freedom.  IPad Pro and by extension AI are taking over.

Check it out at:

Takeaways:  It’s kinda funny that Apple the quintessential manipulator would let this ad be made.  The creative’s backlash was loud and rebuking.

Why?  It’s the fear that we all have now that robots and AI will first destroy individual creativity and shortly destroy humanity.

Apple:  How did you miss this one?  Or, is there something more sinister going.  You want to prepare us for Apple Intelligence?

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