Lions gold podiumThere is a game being played at work.

After witnessing thousands of promotions and job searches, this is the best analogy I have to describe what goes on: the office is nothing but a game.

As in any game, there are rules.

Make no mistake, the people at the top know the game and the rules, which is how they got there.

Rule number one:

While on the team, the rules of engagement are getting along and not letting petty differences divide the team. While I know that sounds simple, consider that deeply. This means sending terse emails to each other at work with underlying tones are not acceptable because that would impede the team. No matter how irritated you are with that jerk at work, don’t let that bleed through. Figure out a way to get along and work with them. They can still be a jerk. It’s how you manage yourself. In fact, they can be a supreme jerk, if you handle it well, everyone around you in the office will take note of the jerk, not the situation. You will appear unscathed.

Rule number two:

Never allow internal competition arise between team members. External market competition is a good thing, but internally it can cause big problems. Never compete with each other within the office. Know your value on the team and that your position is every bit as important as another. No one is really higher or lower and everyone has to pull their weight. Men get this. Just look at football and how they celebrate after a touchdown. They all celebrate. No one is jealous because one person ran with the ball. The blockers know the quarterback couldn’t run with the ball without them blocking. They have their own internal confidence. They know who they are, what they do well and don’t become scrappy.

Rule number three:

The final rule in the game is there is enough for everyone. Meaning: there is a seat at the table, you can get promoted, and there is enough of everything in the game. While you can do your job well, the only thing stopping you from moving ahead is you. Openly discuss interest that you have around promotions and career growth. Don’t wait for review time. Understand your political capital and know when you can burn some. The wisest of the tribe know that being highly liked and competent will get them ahead and they use their relationship skills to leverage a promotion. In their minds, they deserve the promotion and will rise to the occasion even if it’s a little over their heads.

I would be less than honest if I didn’t point out that not all companies have cultures that support the above rules to the game. In high performing companies such as Apple, Google and Microsoft it’s clear there is a game that is played to the highest and the result is the stock market. Sure, there are plenty of offices we could all point to that have bullies, massive dysfunction and egos going awry. But even then, if you look subtly, there is a dance going on; a game being played.

Can you play the game?


Elizabeth Lions is an Author, Speaker and Consultant. Her private practice is in Dallas, Texas and specializes in career transition and leadership development. She is the author of two books, with a third on the way on the topic of women’s leadership. For more about her work please visit www.elizabethlions.com

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