Elizabeth Lions PixThere is a definite behavioral pattern with managers in hiring.   Some are easy to work with, decisive and know their leadership style – well.   Asking them what they look for in talent is a concise and illuminating discussion.

However, not all hiring managers respond in this way.

Recruiters and job seekers alike know what it’s like to be stalled by the indecision of a hiring manager.  Below are five reasons why this occurs.  While this article may not solve the issue, it may shed some light as to the ‘why’.

  1. Window Shopping:   I distinctly remember telling a top client when I first started in this field that my firm was a recruitment firm.  The objective was to ‘buy’ and not to window shop.  At one point, I actually quit presenting candidates stating that there weren’t any more available – and this was in the heart of the recession in 2002. Managers often feel there is more out there and want to keep looking.
  2. No one is smart enough:   This pattern is a trend in technical hires and teams that I’ve observed.  The rejections of candidates are always met with comments stating ‘candidate isn’t technically strong enough’.  At some point, the fault of not hiring remains with the manager. Especially if the req has been opened 6 months and they have viewed 200 candidates.
  3. Most skills, least pay:  In post-recession, some managers want a bargain candidate with the most amount of skills and the least amount of pay.  Difficult to find – in any market.
  4. Complete lack of response from the manager:   Recruiting only moves as fast as a hiring manager is responsive: meaning – candidates could be submitted for review on a Monday, and take an entire week to get feedback.  If no one is good enough, the process starts all over again.
  5. Managers wanting to hire Mini Me’s:  These interviews are obvious in that the manager is looking for someone – just like them – or they won’t hire.  Convinced they are the benchmark for success, this rules out about 90% of applicants that apply.

Writing this article was a little like the Wizard of Oz and allowing readers to see behind the hiring curtain.

Many an article and a radio show I’ve ended with this line, and I think it fits here.

Job Seekers:  Regardless of what is happening now. Stay Calm. Keep Moving.


Elizabeth Lions is the owner and principal with Elizabeth Lions Consulting LLC.  She is the author of Recession Proof Yourself and I Quit! Working For You Isn’t Working For Me.  She can be reached at 806-283-8811 and www.elizabethlions.com

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