We’re asked often about the future of quality. As a matter of fact – a lot.
Our deck Future of Quality: Risk® went viral. We even have a trademark on this.
Well Clive Robinson, Leading Adviser Quality Management for Statoil’s project group had an interesting point of view. He viewed our deck and was left with the impression that we were predicting that the “Risk Manager will replace (absorb?) the Quality manager role.” This isn’t what we had in mind. It’s too early to tell.
“I believe the roles are very complementary and form two sides of the same coin,” said Clive Robinson.
Hmm. He may be right. Never thought of it in this way.
Clive then provided the Statoil description, which he acknowledges was inspired and adapted from David Hoyle’s ISO 9000 Handbook (5th edition), of how Quality Management incorporates both a ‘Risk Focus’ and ‘Quality Focus.’
I thought that these questions were brilliant. Take a look and tell us what you think:
Quality Focus:
- What are you trying to do?
- How are we going to make it happen?
- How do we know it’s right?
- How do we know we’re dong it the best way?
- How do we know it’s the right thing to do?
- What can we learn from this?
Risk Focus:
- What could go wrong?
- What opportunities are there?
- How might this affect performance?
- How is the risk being handled?
- How do we know our actions are effective?
- Will the barriers prevent a recurrence?
- What can we learn from this?
Greg Hutchins PE and CERM (503.233.101 & GregH@QualityPlusEngineering.com) is the founder of:
He is the evangelist behind Future of Quality: Risk®. He is currently working on the Future of Work and machine learning projects.
He is a frequent speaker and expert on Supply Chain Risk Management and cyber security. His current books available on all platform are shown below: