If you want to avoid contracting and dying from Covid-19, it makes sense for you to move your body from wherever you are to a place where deaths per 100,000 population is low. There are a lot of countries to choose from, since you are probably okay if you do not reside in one of the twenty countries with the highest deaths per 100,000 population. Unfortunately for me, I live in one of those twenty countries, the United States of America. As the chart included with this article shows,

There is a tremendous difference in death rate between the number one country for death rate, Brazil, and number 20, Vietnam. If you live in any country not on the list, you are probably relatively safe, as long as you take proper precautions, such as social distancing, wearing a mask when in public, and being fully vaccinated.

I live in the United States, so as of today, according to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, slightly over 200 out of 100,000 USA residents have died of Covid-19. That is not 200 out of 100,000 infections. It is 200 out of every 100,000 residents, The USA has a population of over 333 million, and over 688,000 Covid deaths as of September 16, 2021. That’s bad but it is not the worst. That dubious honor goes to Brazil with over 278 deaths per 100,000 population. Not far behind is Brazil’s next-door neighbor, Argentina.

Now might be a fine time for me to plan an extended trip—a trip away from the United States to someplace not on the list of the top twenty countries with the highest number of deaths per 100,000 population. Two countries that have done a great job of keeping Covid-19 from crossing their borders are New Zealand and Australia. I’ll probably have to go into quarantine as soon as I set foot in either of those countries, but after I am pronounced Covid-free and can leave the quarantine behind, I will feel safe in a very interesting place, with friendly people and many things to see and do. In either New Zealand or Australia, my chances of avoiding Covid-19 completely will be much better than they are now in the USA.


Allen G. Taylor is a 40-year veteran of the computer industry and the author of over 40 books, including Develop Microsoft HoloLens Apps Now, Get Fit with Apple Watch, Cruise for Free, SQL For Dummies, 9th Edition, Crystal Reports 2008 For Dummies, Database Development For Dummies, Access Power Programming with VBA, and SQL All-In-One For Dummies, Third Edition. He lectures internationally on astronomy, databases, innovation, and entrepreneurship. He also teaches database development and Crystal Reports through a leading online education provider. For the latest news on Allen’s activities, check out his blog at wwwallengtaylor.com or contact him at allen.taylor@ieee.org.

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