For several years, I have been a career coach and mentor because after twenty years working in occupational health & safety, I had some questions:
1) Why does every resume look the same? I am doing more.
2) Why are executives reluctant to learn about health & safety, over the years I have been shocked that potential executives, possible candidates to use my coaching and mentorship skills, many display such stiff, robotic language in their branding (“Results-oriented professional with a bottom-line orientation,” for instance.) This language hurts them! It sucks all their personality out of their resume.
3) Why are countless articles, books, podcasts, videos, and courses by so-called experts sharing such terrible advice?
I became frustrated. As a safety leader providing a safety culture for thousands of people, I had seen countless managers and supervisors not following the correct policy and procedures, turning a blind eye, and hurting their promotion prospects in the process.
The overarching theme for career advice was, “Be whoever you have to be, to get the job that you really want.” Nonsense! That’s insulting, and it isn’t even true.
As I sat sharing this with somebody recently, they couldn’t believe their ears so I had to explain something to them that I shall now share with you…
A good mentor and career coach SAVES you money, it doesn’t cost anything… Sure, you must pay them upfront obviously… But they know what you do not, they have done what you want to do, so, think of this… Let’s imagine you want to be your own boss and make more money.
Every month that passes by that you are not doing that, you are potentially losing thousands per month that you could be making if you knew how, Make sense? It’s sort of like when your kid wants to go to university… First, they must pay their fees…Then they get access to the information they need to learn what they need to learn, Next, they get to use that information to create a career for themselves.
Well, online, first you get a mentor, Then you learn from that mentor, and by applying what you learn, you get results, Not only do you then get all the money back you gave your chosen mentor….You then can keep getting results forever which is all yours THAT is how it works and so now you need to decide…Are you where you want to be or not? If NOT, how long will you allow yourself to stay stuck before you do something about it? If today is the day that you say, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” and you’re ready for success.
But I had to make it happen, I had to invest in myself and so must you but only if you’re serious.
Sick and tired of feeling lost and confused at what exactly you should be doing to generate a higher income and better job satisfaction? Best of all, our clients often live busy lives and so we built our process to be able to be followed in as little as 1 hour per day (more is even better, of course!)
I wrote thousands of articles, recorded podcasts, produced video’s and created a whole new job search curriculum based on the mindset that only the people who get you, deserve you.
Job seekers looking to improve their health & safety knowledge have power they aren’t always aware of. I started career coaching and mentoring to remind people of their power and show them how to use it.
Now, I’m teaching a small group of amazing people how to become career coaches and mentors, launch and grow their own coaching and mentorship businesses and teach my curriculum.
They will join me in the “OH&S Coaching and mentoring Network”, this will help job seekers, career changers and career explorers find their paths, brand themselves and step into new jobs and new adventures.
Here are my top ten reasons to become a career coach & mentor:
- To use skills and expertise you can’t always use in your current job.
- To help clients get jobs that deserve their talents.
- To create a side business that can grow into a full-time career.
- To see the impact of your work on real people, every day.
- To grow your thought leadership flame and platform.
- To have a second “oar in the water,” a source of income apart from your full-time job.
- To share the wisdom you’ve accumulated throughout your life and career.
- To give back.
- To launch a business that belongs to you.
- To step into your power as a coach and a mentor.
If you’d like to learn more about becoming a career coach and mentor with my help, jump here to fill out our career coaching questionnaire and schedule a call to talk about it:
On the Work-Related Podcast later this week Dr. Bill tackles these issues:
- How do I deal with a jealous coworker?
My coworker is jealous because I’m beating my goals. I haven’t done anything to this person – I barely know them – but they criticized me behind my back. What should I do?
- Should I stay at a job I’m not happy in, or should I change? How do I decide whether to keep my job or look around?
- How do I avoid consulting for free at a job interview?
Dr. Bill Pomfret of Safety Projects International Inc who has a training platform, said, “It’s important to clarify that deskless workers aren’t after any old training. Summoning teams to a white-walled room to digest endless slides no longer cuts it. Mobile learning is quickly becoming the most accessible way to get training out to those in the field or working remotely. For training to be a successful retention and recruitment tool, it needs to be an experience learner will enjoy and be in sync with today’s digital habits.”
Every relationship is a social contract between one or more people. Each person is responsible for the functioning of the team. In our society, the onus is on the leader. It is time that employees learnt to be responsible for their actions or inaction, as well. And this takes a leader to encourage them to work and behave at a higher level.
He can be reached at: