What image does the word ‘entrepreneur’ conjure up in your mind? Maybe Silicon Valley vibes? Sneakers. White tees, a big open-plan offices, Solving the world’s biggest problems, or is it more pin strip suits… doing deals and making money!? Those were the images that came up for me…

Along with the assumption that entrepreneurship was innate, something we are born with, I certainly wanted to be my own boss, but for real, I never felt entrepreneurship was innate in me, in fact, I remember feeling very weird about the word.

Me an entrepreneur….? NO WAY! And despite founding an occupational health & safety business and earning a million pounds with just an idea, I was still in denial, that was until I read a definition of entrepreneurship in the book – How to make a hell of a profit and still go to heaven – as someone…who solves problems for profit, my efforts in preventing accidental losses, not by maximising profit, but by minimising losses.

“As an entrepreneur at heart, I am excited to see so many opportunities, and I am honoured to help this opportunity to help shape the next stage of my 5 Star Health & Safety Management System™”

Well… isn’t that what coaches and consultants do…solve people’s problems… yes!  For a profit… also yes… Most of us get into coaching and consulting because, we find a niche market, we love solving problems and helping people. NOT because we love building businesses and generating profit.

But much of this comes down to our perception of what it takes to build a business, much like our perception of what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

So… fix your perception, and you fix the resistance…Because your beautiful human, entrepreneurship and building a business can be learnt, and if you want it a thriving coaching business – IT HAS TO BE LEARNT. So let me help you get clear on the three things it takes to build a thriving coaching business….   1. Who you are?

  1. What are Your systems? 3. Your support?

That’s it, now of course, there is a lot that goes into each of those…But if you focus on those 3 your business will fly, now… I spoke about #1 – who you are (or need to be) the keynote speaker, at a conference, the Professor, who teaches new concepts in my field.

“I’m a big believer in being an entrepreneur, its easy for me to say because I work for myself, and I am someone who likes that process, You have control over your destiny.”

So today I want to write about the exact systems you need to grow your coaching and consulting business to consistent $ 10,000 a month…

But first, let’s define what a system is…In my eyes, a system is a simple set of procedures to follow that will get you to a specific goal or outcome, It’s a proven to-do list that can be repeated over and over that will guarantee results, If you build the systems, you build the business.

Or as the author of my fave business book the E-Myth Revisited, Michael E Gerber, says, “Systems permit ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results predictably.” “You don’t rise to the level of your goals; you fall to the level of your systems.”… And given I was a Fire & Safety professional by training, I LOVE systems.

I love taking complex ideas and simplifying them into repeatable step-by-step frameworks, it’s how I created my initial Client FLOW Framework.

F – standing for Foundations…which includes: the exact steps to niche in a way that excites you feels right and will get you paid, The framework to follow that has you standing out like a unicorn in a sea of horses

And finally, my Irresistible Offer Method – another step-by-step process that will result in you having an offer your clients feel stupid saying no to

L – standing for Leads… which includes: my content-conversation engine – an exact system guiding you on the type of content to post each day, along with templates and formulas to follow that will have your ideal clients knocking down your door to work with you, as well as a lead and nurturing engine that builds that know-like-and-trust factor and eventually throw-money-at-you-factor

And finally, my partnership playbook will be like rocket fuel for your business.

O – standing for Onboarding… which includes A sales and marketing system that quickly qualifies prospects and delivers hot-under-the-collar-clients.

An exact script and formula that will have clients throwing money at you like confetti, an onboarding process that rids buyers’ remorse and creates raving fans that will be shouting about you and your system from the rooftops.

W – standing for flywheel (I know a little desperate that one) … which includes: A step-by-step process to leverage testimonials and referrals that will build a snowball effect for your business and bank account, and a value ladder that will have your clients soon wanting to ask your hand in marriage, yes, I said that if clients attained 5 Stars in the 5 Star Health & Safety Management System™ I would negotiate a reduction in premiums.

So now I want you to imagine this…In four months’ time, you have all these systems in place, you know exactly what actions to take every day, and how they connect to the bigger picture, No more guesswork.

No more spending hours spent on free webinars furiously taking notes    (I see you). No more hours on YouTube trying to figure it out on your own.

No. Instead – you’ll have an action plan that creates a consistent flow of leads, enrolment calls and ultimately clients you love to work with, how would that feel? Well… it’s how you’ll feel in four months if you copy my upcoming strategy for coaches that want to build the systems to grow their business to consistent $10k+ months.

So, if you’re ready to admit you don’t know have any proven systems and you need help…Just write me the words “IM READY” for more details and to see if its the right fit for you.

I believe anything is possible, I see opportunity when others see Impossibility I take risks, I hustle, I know that nothing is unrealistic, I feel overwhelming love, I embrace my childlike wonder and curiosity, I take flying leaps, into the unknown, I contribute to something bigger than myself, I create, I learn, I grow, I do, I believe it is never to late to start living a dream, I am an Entrepreneur, and proud of it.               Dr. Bill Pomfret; MSc; FRSH; FIOSH.


Dr. Bill Pomfret of Safety Projects International Inc who has a training platform, said, “It’s important to clarify that deskless workers aren’t after any old training. Summoning teams to a white-walled room to digest endless slides no longer cuts it. Mobile learning is quickly becoming the most accessible way to get training out to those in the field or working remotely. For training to be a successful retention and recruitment tool, it needs to be an experience learner will enjoy and be in sync with today’s digital habits.”

Every relationship is a social contract between one or more people.  Each person is responsible for the functioning of the team.  In our society, the onus is on the leader.  It is time that employees learnt to be responsible for their actions or inaction, as well.  And this takes a leader to encourage them to work and behave at a higher level.

He can be reached at:


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