
How can we deliver projects in a timely, workmanlike and effective manner; there are many guides.  This is an A to Z process linked to delivery, required decisions, and the establishment of an ethical project environment in which people may work.  People may then realise their potential and the potential for their project to be delivered successfully.

Delivery & Decisions

Delivery is about managing risks which encompasses Attitude, Behaviour and Consequences.  Attitude drives behaviour which results in consequences; positive attitude inevitably makes for positive results.  Delivery is supported by the Discipline to carry out the tasks which require physical and mental Effort, coupled with the Focus on the matters in hand rather than being distracted.

Decisions are essential in projects and are made at all levels based upon Gut-feel, Hands-on experience, situational and emotional awareness, and Intelligence.  Decisions should be tempered with Judgement and Knowledge from specialists and generalists alike.  Of course decisions are never based on complete information and Luck can be a factor in a good decisions.  Luck, when opportunity meets preparedness can be enhanced to an extent through planning and preparation and practice (training); lucky golfers tend to practice more than the average.

If decisions aren’t right they need to be made to be right and this requires a climate in which people can work and develop based on failure, as well as success.

Environment & Ethics

Just as with attitude, a positive environment promotes better performance.  The development and nurturing of Morale is an essential ingredient to a positive environment which, in turn, fosters Neighbourliness through Organisation structure.  Structure should be tailored to the project in hand and have flexibility to deal with complexity and inevitable change.

Good disciplined environments need not be too rigid but there needs to be Policy and supporting procedures so that Quality of process and product is assured.  Rules and regulations control the way people work and make decisions, but rules can be broken.  In a positive environment initiative should be encouraged so that opportunities may be grasped, and standards of performance can be improved.

Sharing of skills and experience reinforce strengths and mitigate weakness; as such sharing is imperative in building teams in project environments.  This requires Trust and Understanding at all levels based on open, straight, honest, and frank communication reflecting the ethics of the organisation.

Organisations and project teams must have ethical Values and our attitude towards carrying out Work on a professional, personal and societal level.  Discrimination based on colour, religion, race, age, sexuality and intellect happens; introducing a policy of no Xenophobia in any guise eliminating distrust and fear of difference will be a challenge to both Young and old alike.


Zero in the context of projects does not mean nothing or nil but zero-harm, zero-defects, and zero-tolerance towards negative attitudes and excuses.  After all, delivery of any project must start with positive Attitude.


UK Chartered Engineer & Chartered Geologist with over thirty-five years’ international experience in multicultural environments on large multidisciplinary infrastructure projects including rail, metro, hydro, airports, tunnels, roads and bridges. Skills include project management, contract administration & procurement, and design & construction management skills as Client, Consultant, and Contractor.

Provision of incisive, focused and effective technical and managerial solutions for all project phases; identifying and dealing with troubled projects, and leading project recovery and change through hands-on interaction.


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