Dr.-Trudy1-150x150Since the political drama unfolded in Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s hearings on 9/27/18 in Capital Hill, multiple crises in institutional, political and personal levels were exposed.  When the whole country was shocked and impacted by the devastating real-life drama, two exemplary stateswomen demonstrated their courageous, wise and deliberate decision making process to turn the traumatic agitation back to stability.    

Power of Female Voices

Senator of Maine, Susan Collins, and Senator of Alaska, Lisa Murkowski are the symbols of empowerment of female voices, even though they voted completely opposite.  Let us review their rationales.

Highlights of Senator Susan Collins’ Speech on 10/5/18

  • The dysfunctional, turbulent and bitter fights injected into Legislation Branch by special interest groups which oppose for opposition sake have become worse.
  • Spread misrepresentations and outright falsehood through rhetoric, distortion, headline news, and social media.
  • Senator’s duty is to follow the Constitution, perform “advise and consent”, and see if the nominee’s philosophy is within the mainstream of judicial thought. “Decisions become part of our legal framework with the passage of time and that honoring precedent is essential to maintain public confidence.”
  • Major factors in Senator Collins’ thinking process are her constituents in Maine. She is clear about her role as a communication bridge among Judiciary Branch, Executive Branch and her constituents.
  • Fundamental legal principles are about due process, the presumption of innocence and fairness. Otherwise, there is a lack of public faith in the judiciary process.
  • Bombarded by irrational fear and unproven facts promoted by prominent advocacy organizations, Senator Collins used history to educate the public about the confirmation procedure. In terms of untrue statements against Chairman Grassley, she used her trust and professional judgment as a reference to separate facts from fiction. “… when passions are most inflamed that fairness is most in jeopardy.”  She also showed her empathetic understanding to Dr. Ford’s sexual assault allegation is “more likely than not” but FBI limited investigation could not identify Judge Kavanaugh as the perpetrator.
  • She acknowledged the prevalence and under-reporting of sexual assault issues and survivors’ courage in heightening the awareness in this case.
  • We live in a time of such great disunity. “It is a case of people bearing extreme ill will toward those who disagree with them.”  Sophisticated algorithms are designed to link us to websites that only reinforce and cater to people’s views; we can only expect our differences to intensify, farther away from “a more perfect union” that one of the goals of the Constitutions designed by US founding fathers.

Highlights of Senator Lisa Murkowski’ Speech on 10/5/18

  • Senator Lisa Murkowski indicated that it was a horrible, gut-wrenching and painful process.
  • Major factors in Senator Murkowski’s thinking process are her legislative role, constituents in Alaska, and the standard of nominating a Supreme Court Justice. Sexual assaults are prevalent issues among Alaska Native tribes and her role of “advise and consent” is to listen to Native Alaskans’ sexual trauma survivors’ cry for justice.  She emphasized professional competence, temperament, and demeanor as basic standards of a Supreme Court Justice nominee.
  • Supreme Court Justice shall promote public confidence in the independence, integrity and impartiality of the judiciary, and shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety. She held highest standards.  She witnessed that the public has lost faith.  She hoped there is some small shred of hope that remains with the judiciary.  This judiciary must be perceived as independent, as nonpartisan, as fair and balanced, in order for the 3-branch government to function.  Her vote of “NO” indicated and demanded a high standard for Legislative, Executive and Judiciary Branches to maintain and regain public confidence.
  • She was concerned that the process has become the new normal where people find new and even more creative ways to tear one another down. People shall do more on both sides and provide a place for survivors to be heard and to heal.  People can move forward in a manner that shows greater respect and greater comity.
  • “We can take very small, very small steps to be gracious with one another and maybe those small, gracious steps can lead to more.”

Dr. Trudy’s Comment:

This confirmation process is not a football game.  The impact of the process cannot be simplified as an entertainment or a win-or-lose game with the celebration party of beers and sexy cheerleaders as a sideshow.

Under tremendous pressure from all sides, as a female law maker in a conservative party, it is much risky for Senator Susan Collins to vote “YES.”  Her vote of “YES” was based on her rational analysis, integrity, and her professional duty rather than conforming to the threatening pressure and influences from political leaders, protestors or interest groups.

Senator Lisa Murkowski demonstrated her courage by voting “NO” which symbolized the survivors’ voice did not fall into deaf ears even in the loud winning celebration in her male dominant conservative party.  Her single vote of “NO” represented not only “some small shred of hope” but a big and brave step to reverse the rapidly deteriorated vicious destruction into gracious cooperation.


Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is another heroine.  She was courageous to stand before the world to testify the sexual assault trauma 36 years ago without witnesses’ support.  The nature of sexual assault (same as bullying) is always hidden and secretive with a perpetrator and a victim in a private setting, rather than like a robbery or other premeditated crimes occurred in the public with potential witnesses’ reports.  That is one of the reasons why majority of the sexual trauma survivors chose not to report.  Even reporting to the police or authorities, survivors might encounter mockery and humiliation because there is hardly a witness or any evidence.

I applaud these 3 outstanding female heroines who displayed extraordinary courage during the overwhelmingly stressful process.  Senators cast their votes based on their principles rather than submitting conformity when their career future is at risk.  Dr. Ford came forward with full knowledge of the traumatic impact to her reputation, her career, and her life.

A true hero’s character is best shown when surrounded by unbearable pressure, especially when his or her personal interest is at risk.


Dr. Trudy Hu is a psychiatric expert and a clinical psychologist who specializes in brain functions, bio-psycho-social organic and humorous approaches in treatment and psychiatric medication consultation and coordination for 30 years.

Website: DrTrudy.com

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