Omicron, the new variant on the block!  This is the latest strain of the COVID virus but, within a few days of its arrival, or rather announcement that’s it’s been found, countries are closing their borders and travel restrictions are being imposed! There has been no rhyme or reason for this but this decision, as with many others related to COVID, seems to have been made arbitrarily and with a preponderant paucity of ‘data’.

But what’s new?  Despite the monopolistic global health body (WHO) announcing the pandemic and government buy-ins from the 190 or so countries each one seems to be doing its own thing.  There are many different, as well as confusing approaches to the “COVID measures”.  The common theme though for many is subjugation through lockdowns, curfews, working from home, restricted travel, and tagging systems; unless you are above the common or garden hoi polloi.

The globe can’t agree on a consistent set of travel rules; is the PCR test for 48 hours before travel? or is it 72hours? Or 96??  Who decides on which country is green or red and if quarantine on arrival is required for 2, 7 10 or even 14 days, if at all! Who, not WHO, would have thought that COVID could have such varied effects based upon the country of residence, place of departure and arrival?  However, for the social elite, sports professionals, politicians or actors such restrictions and rules don’t seem to apply – the COVID virus obviously recognises class in its midst, or is it just a mist of confusion?

Remember when COVID first ‘came out’?  The initial reactions back in early 2020 were characterised by repeated rhetoric denying there was a real problem.  Ill-prepared politicians blamed others but, while demonstrating that no plans were in place, they merely raised the level of fear amongst their populations.  Some countries just did nothing, some decided to do nothing, some took a wait and see approach and others just wondered what on Earth was going on.

Confusion ruled in those early days and still does.  But reactions were slow and far different to today’s rapid response to our new viral adversary and any hint of politicians being caught with their trousers down, or petticoats up.  But despite the newness of the variant and an absence of established ‘facts’ the pharmaceuticals quickly declared that a new vaccine will be available within 100 days.  Either this is an absolutely amazing feat of pharmaceutical foresight or is there something that they know that we don’t.

But what of Omicron?  Is it Delta’s southern hemisphere cousin come to advertise that COVID is still around or is it that it’s always been around but masked by its more virulent cousins?  Is just a bit different or is the media and a few backside-covering politicians having us believe that the ‘mutation’ is more fearsome than it really is and sensationalising things.  But semantics aren’t the issue, it’s the virulence of the virus that counts, is it not?

But here’s the rub – nobody actually knows how dangerous Omicron is!  The early initial reports indicated that it’s “mild”, like a ‘flu, but more contagious than ‘regular COVID’.  It’s also reported to be “completely different” to the as-advertised deadly Delta strain of the so-called 3rd wave.  Unbelievably, and without any hard and fast facts there has been a global knee-jerk panic; borders are closed, flights are cancelled and there is a preventive medicine on the near horizon, and all based upon a very limited sample and a paucity of science, but then that’s been the COVID sage to date.

There is however one thing about Omicron that is undisputable, it’s an anagram of Moronic.

Are our politicians, who seem to feel that they are intellectually empowered to overrule science or choose the science that they would have us believe, acting impulsively and with impunity under their shield of protecting their people.  Scientists, at least those who are not gagged by the media for having opposing views, sow their fearmongering and ‘COVID experts’ continue to chant “the end is nigh” as the world is polarised into believers and non-believers and those who want their freedom of choice.

The world is in turmoil. Not because of COVID but because of the fearmongering, rumour control and governmental manipulation of a situation and a reluctance to review the knee jerk reaction of a pandemic in the accumulated knowledge that we have acquired over two years of paranoia.  The few that imbibe the favour of pharmaceuticals and decry any opposing views may well believe their own rhetoric and, rather than look at the science may prefer to “jab first…and hope there won’t be any awkward questions later” but those feared awkward questions are now being asked.

The question now is, will these emerging questions be answered or will a new variant be found to instil fear among us, again?


Malcolm Peart is an UK Chartered Engineer & Chartered Geologist with over thirty-five years’ international experience in multicultural environments on large multidisciplinary infrastructure projects including rail, metro, hydro, airports, tunnels, roads and bridges. Skills include project management, contract administration & procurement, and design & construction management skills as Client, Consultant, and Contractor.


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