IMG_0864Nowadays, even an entry level job seems to require a college degree.   But at what cost – to the student and to the parents?

So, you can guess what’s keeping me up at night!  “Should my kid go to college?’  Or so, we have all been trained to think.

Every parent is struggling with the same questions that we are, specifically:

  1. How much will college cost?
  2. What’s the purpose of college?
  3. Will college help my kid get a job?

So, let’s look at the above three questions that many of us are struggling with:

Cost of College

College education and its cost are a critical investment or cost that many parents and kids will have. More than a car. More than a house down payment. OK truth be told – more than the cost of many houses.

Again, these are US numbers: So, your son or daughter wants to go to a top 50 US private college. What does this look like in terms of a cost? Well, many private colleges now cost more $65,000 a year. Put that in perspective, that’s about $90,000 a year after taxes. Let’s multiply that by 4 and you get $360,000. OK, make this cost or investment the cost of a house.

What’s the Purpose of College?

OK, you say college is a rite of passage. College is to find oneself. College is to network with diverse and influential people. College is to have fun and socialize. College is the path to self – enlightenment and happiness. College is the path to employment and income.

OK, but at a quarter of million dollars and more.

More and more, I don’t think so.

Finding a Job

Will college help my child get a job that will allow her and frankly her parents, us, to pay back the cost of college within a reasonable period of time?

A few critical questions arise: What major should or will my kid choose? Women studies, art history, and some other topic. Again, I don’t think so.

As an Asian tiger mom, I ask: “What skills will my kid need to learn to get a high paying job?”  Science, Technology, Engineering or Math (STEM).  Good.  Programming – No problem.  Smart problem solving and decision making – Great.

Since it’s my kid, she should choose a major that gets her a job that helps her find a way to pay for college.

So, Will My Kid Go to College?

She’s only a high school sophomore. She has time.

But, we have to ask:  Can my kid get valuable skills for today’s job market without going to college?

I think my kid can learn some valuable skills without going to college.  How?  Through working. Through community service.  Through web classes and learning.

In these ways, she can learn to solve problems, make smart decisions , manage herself, be flexible, have people skills, learn team work, develop passions, and manage her time.

And, aren’t these the successful skills one really needs in life – without being indentured with college costs?

All parents and kids will have to deal with these questions.


Victoria is a parent, entrepreneur, and maker.  She is the owner and editor of  Working It for Parents.

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