Killer AI Tip/Tool 

AI Tools: I use AI, specifically Chat GPT and Gemini for first drafts for emails, proposals, background searches, software dev, and brainstorming.  It’s great a great tool for lots of things.  Each week, we’re going to provide a killer tip/tool for using and getting more comfortable with AI.

We may go into virtual dating with AI.  We may go into practical uses for AI at work.  Today, we’re going to talk about using AI for tough conversations.  We got this idea from a Wall Street Journal article called For Conversation You Dread, Try a Chatbot.

Dreaded conversations:  These are conversations that give us fear, dread, and anxiety.  We all have these.  Taking care of our aging parents.  Giving instructions or rules with our kids.  Asking for a raise at work.  Talking with our ex significant others about money.

We wonder how to do these to be effective and kind.  I role play with friends or even in a mirror.  I also have gotten coaching.  Rehearse with Chat GPT:  I had not heard of this use case.  But, gave it a try.  It’s sorta fun to rehears with Chat GPT.

How:  How to do this?  Chat GPT needs to be coached and trained.  The machine needs to be coached on the person it has to be and be believable.  The machine has to form a basic psychological profile on who it Is supposed to play.  Creating a believeable role play playing chat avatar, takes time.  So, you may have to iterate a little.

Why it matters:  Using a chat bot has a several advantages.  It’ll introduce you to chatbot who may be future companions, coaches, and even significant others.  You learn how to contextualize the machine.  This will have to be done with engineering prompts and queries in the future.

It is fun.  You learn prompting.  You create an avatar.  You get new ideas.  You can finesse the propoer ‘tone and feel’ for the tough conversation.

For more info:  Check out May 4 2024 For Conversation You Dread, Try a Chatbot, WSJ piece for more tips on how to do this.

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