Total Automation


Challenge.  I live in Portland Oregon USA.  Five blocks from us a canteen restaurant was set up.  All automated.  You use a credit card to get in.  You pay with the card.  You’re surveilled.

No humans.   All machine.  We thought a no human restaurant was an outlier.  A cute test of automation in a safe community.

Fast forward 5 years:   California enacted a $20 minimum wage for fast food workers.  And, you’ve heard of the $15 to $20 value meal.  Sorry, the value proposition no longer exists.   This isn’t working for the franchise owners, customers, and shareholders.

Enter automation:  We now got robots flipping burgers. Cutely called ‘flippy.’   We got automated ordering inside the fast food restaurant and drive thrus.

Hard lesson earned:  If you look into the short term future, you’re seeing total automation.  Robots + AI.  Everywhere.

So, ask yourself.  Is the future coming for your work/career/job?  Are you ready?