Books on Risk

Half or more of the business books now published deal with risk. Or, so it seems.

I just got back from Barnes & Noble. As a past author, I check out new hard cover books, which are a window into important business trends.

Maybe, it’s a situation of ‘where you sit is what you see.’ So, I sit in the risk space and all I see is risk. Risk in crossing the street. Risk in buying this or doing that.

But, the new hard cover business books point to a hard realization that risk is the new normal or new reset. And, it’s not going away.

Some implications: All if not most of the business rules are changing. Organizations and people are not ready for the changes. We need new: 1. Risk based, problem solving and 2. Risk based, decision making tools.

Hence, we are getting lots of business trade books explaining what to do to deal with risk.