No Such Thing as US Companies!

Most Fortune 500, OK even Fortune 2000 companies, are not US companies.  They may have been founded and incubated in the US.  Their founders were or are US citizens.  The technology may have come from the US government.  However, many and soon most will be global organizations.

These global companies focus on making money for their shareholders.  They make money where there is demand for their goods and services.  They may have started in the US, but now are global.  There are many implications to this, that is causing denial, disbelief, misunderstanding, and social unrest.

These global companies are offshoring core processes and outsourcing their intellectual property to economies where there is demand and revenue.

The implication of the above is that jobs are moving to where there is demand for their products and services.

These companies are not loyal to local communities or constituencies.  Local communities in the US that incubated these companies are often in disbelief.  They feel these home grown companies owe the community taxes, employment, and support of its citizens.  It’s not working out this way.

This is a huge problem.  It’s a revelation to the 99 percenters.  It’s known and accepted by  the 1 percenters.   The 1 percenters know and accept that we live in a global economy that both Democrats and Republicans endorsed in the free trade mantra all boats and economies will rise.  Unfortunately, the opposite happened.  Much of the world prospered.  We’ve largely stagnated.

US – Like Greece – Greg Hutchins

For the past year, I’ve been wondering why has the US media been focusing so much coverage on Greece.  Small country.  Small GNP.  European.  Little industry.  No much economic similarity to US.

It’s not that I don’t care.  I’m just wondering why I should care.  And, why all media are telling all of us why we should care.  Now, I got it!

We are Greece.  The media is preparing the US for what has happened and will happen to the US.  Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and US are the dominoes in the economic debt cycle.  All are impossibly in debt.  We are going to one of the dominoes to fall.  The media is giving us an early warning of what to expect in terms of unpaid public pensions, social unrest, and diminished expectations.  Not good?

What do you think?  Am I off base?  What are the alternatives?


Greg Hutchins PE and CERM (503.233.101 &  is the founder of:

He is the evangelist behind Future of Quality: Risk®.  He is currently working on the Future of Work and machine learning projects.

He is a frequent speaker and expert on Supply Chain Risk Management and cyber security.  His current books available on all platform are shown below: