CERM Risk Insights Emagazine #41

Hello Readers:
In this issue, we continue to focus on risk and smart decision making in ERM, pharma, cyber security, and project management.
We hope you enjoy the issue.  Please get hold of us.  We’d like to hear your thoughts.  Best,
Greg Hutchins PE CERM | CERM Academy | Quality + Engineering | 800.COMPETE | 503.233.1012
Enterprise Risk Management in the Age of Uncertainty by Geary Sikich.   Wonder what ERM is all about?  This article may be the best distillation we’ve found.  Read more at Life@Risk.
How to Make Smarter Decisions by Greg Hutchins.  We listened to Dan Arielly talk about decision making.  It’s all about context and framing.  Wonder why your logical decision making may be inherently flawed.  Read more at Decisions@Risk.
What You Don’t Know Could Kill -Your Project by Mark Moore.  This is a story about his daughter.  But, it’s really a story or metaphor of project success.  Read more at Projects@Risk.
Moving from Individual Contributor to Leader by Elizabeth Lions.  Every woman looks forward to the day when she gets the promotion, wears a new suit, and takes on a leadership role.  But whether it’s a woman or a man, there is a critical bridge to cross.  How many of us really cross it?  Read more at Careers @Risk.
The New Cyber Warfare and ISO 27001 by Edward Humphreys.  ISO just updated ISO 27001.  It is one of the key documents called out in the new NIST cyber security risk framework.  We all need to become cyber aware.  This is a must-read article for all ISO consultants and companies regardless.  Read more at Cyber@Risk.
Cyber Security Is Now Job #1- NIST Cyber Security Framework by Greg Hutchins.  Thirty years ago, Ford’s tag line was Quality is Job #1.  We believe that everyone’s new tagline is Cyber Security is Job #1.  Read more at Cyber@Risk.
Implementing a Systems Approach to Pharmaceutical Quality Systems by Christine Park.  Food and Drug Administration has been adding more quality systems and risk management requirements to pharma firms.  This requires a systems approach for compliance and improvement.  Learn how to develop and implement a system approach to pharma quality.  Read more at Pharma@Risk.
Risk Benchmarks by Umberto Tunesi.  FMEA is a commonly used risk tool.  But, it can fool you.  Read about the challenges of risk decision making using FMEA.  Read more at Quality@Risk.


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