Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.
John F. Kennedy – President of the U.S.

In VUCA time, the expression ‘what got you here – won’t get you there’ is particularly applicable. First of all, we don’t know what ‘there’ is in terms of the ‘new normal’. Second, we don’t know the new things we need to do or learn to do to get us somewhere new. I like books that ‘tell it like it is.’ No sugar coating risks and bad behaviors. Marshall Goldsmith – the executive coach – came up with 20 pre-COVID career and work killers:

Habit #1: Winning too much.
Habit #2: Adding too much value.
Habit #3: Passing judgment.
Habit #4: Making destructive comments.
Habit #5: Starting with ‘No,’ ‘But,’ or ‘However.’
Habit #6: Telling the world how smart you are.
Habit #7: Speaking when angry.
Habit #8: Negativity.
Habit #9: Withholding information.
Habit #10: Failing to give proper recognition.
Habit #11: Claiming credit that you don’t deserve.
Habit #12: Making excuses.
Habit #13: Clinging to the past.
Habit #14: Playing favorites.
Habit #15: Refusing to express regret.
Habit #16: Not listening.
Habit #17: Failing to express gratitude.
Habit #18: Punishing the messenger.
Habit #19: Passing the buck.
Habit #20: An excessive need to be me.

Work Lesson Earned: Post-COVID, a few things are missing from the list: No sensitivity! Lack of personal hygiene. Sex with subordinates. Snarkism. Racial epithets. Lack of empathy. Poor habits. At any organizational level, an immature outburst, harassment, or project team rebellion will put a career in jeopardy. These are work/career/job killers.

So, will your professional skills that got you to your present level of success get you to the next level. Then, ask your best friend and may be harshest critic – your significant other to rate you on each of the above habits. It’ll be eye-opening! There’re lots of personal lessons learned. Did I do it with my wife? Yes. Did I like it? No!

Tip: develop your own work/career/jobs ‘bad’ and ‘good’ habits.  It’ll be an eye opener.

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